I am confident making turns and controlling my speed on all blue slopes doing the pizza (snowplough). I can use a ski lift with support from the instructor.
I am confident making turns and controlling my speed on all blue slopes doing the pizza (snowplough), also when it’s a bit steeper. I can use a ski lift with support from the instructor.
I am confident skiing on blue and red slopes and start skiing parallel between the turns on easy slopes. I can use the ski lift without support. I ski with poles.
I am confident skiing on blue and red slopes, skiing parallel between the turns. I can already do a bit of parallel breaking on blue slopes and can also slide sidewards with my skis parallel.
I am very confident skiing on all kinds and levels of slopes and would like to improve my technique in carving, short turns, powder skiing and jumping.
Confidence in turning, Introdution to turning by weighting and unweighting the board, 360 slope spins, Short fakie runs, Increased performance on easy slopes.
Extentsion and flexion turns, swivel turns, changing direction using the edges of the board, jumps and ollies, increased performance on moderately easy slopes.